4️⃣STEP 4

4. Spoof your serials

  • Before running the Spoofer make sure your Antivirus is OFF

  • Run the Spoofer as admin


  • Go into the USER tab and take a screenshot of your serials there and send it into the ticket


  • Now go into the SETTINGS tab and select either NORMAL spoof or MSINFO spoof

    • NORMAL SPOOF = Uses your current serials and modifies them. (Only use this if your smbios isn't broken / if you have no unlegit serials)

    • MSINFO SPOOF = If you know your serials aren't legit or you're unsure, use MSINFO spoof. It will change all serials based on real serials.

    • ASUS SPOOF = If your motherboard is ASUS then choose asus spoof. It will take about 5 minutes until its finished so stay patient and do not turn your PC off!

    • Normal spoof is better so only choose Msinfo spoof if you have to unless you have an Asus motherboard.

    • Don't forget to restart your PC after spoofing!


  • After you have determined what spoofing type you need just select it then go over to the SPOOF tab and click spoof. You will hear a beep in the beginning and in the end. Once its finished restart your PC.

    • When you are back in windows re-open the USER and send a screenshot of your new serials in your ticket

Last updated